About KCSDV and Mission Statement
The Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence (KCSDV) is Kansas’ leading statewide voice for victims and survivors of sexual and domestic violence. KCSDV is a statewide nonprofit organization – and coalition – with the mission of preventing and eliminating sexual and domestic violence.
As an organization, KCSDV 1) trains professionals (including coalition member program staff) working in an array of disciplines across the state of Kansas; 2) collaborates on public policy with partners and lawmakers; and 3) increases awareness about sexual and domestic violence.
KCSDV is also a coalition network made up of 25 coalition member programs located all across the state of Kansas. Coalition member programs provide direct client services to victims and survivors of sexual and domestic violence in their respective areas of Kansas. KCSDV helps, supports, advocates, assists, and troubleshoots for and with coalition member programs concerning topics and issues of: new leadership and board of directors; legal help and law; legislation; domestic violence and sexual assault work and social work; how to work with local law enforcement; communications; and more.
KCSDV was founded on June 22, 1982 in Topeka, Kansas. This year, KCSDV celebrates 40 years of working to help victims and survivors. Learn more about KCSDV’s history, strategic framework, and identified state of Kansas needs. (You can also learn about the national networks of which KCSDV is a part.)
Purpose Statement
KCSDV’s purpose is to prevent and eliminate sexual and domestic violence through a statewide network of programs providing support and safety for all victims of sexual and domestic violence and stalking, direct services; public awareness and education; advocacy for victims; comprehensive prevention; and, social change efforts. See KCSDV’s strategic framework.
Direct Services Overview in 1 Year by the 25 Organizations in the Coalition
- Over 25,000 Crisis hotline calls
- Over 50,000 Crisis counseling hours
- Over 50,000 Victims served
(KCSDV’s 25 coalition member programs are direct services providers.)