Winter 2011 Newsletter
As an e-news subscriber, you are getting a sneak peak of the Kansas Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence?s new logo, which will be officially launched during the Safe Homes, Safe Streets events on February 8-9. In addition to the new logo, updated brochures and materials will be available, and stay tuned for more details about our brand new website.
Safe Homes, Safe Streets (SHSS) is the Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence’s annual event that bridges public awareness and policy work. SHSS features two days full of activities, including a press conference, advocate training and a public reception for legislators, advocates and ally organizations. SHSS 2011 will be February 8-9 at the Ramada Convention Center in Topeka.
RSVP for the Feb. 9 public reception by Feb. 2 to Melissa DeDonder, communications coordinator, 785-232-9784 or
Perpetrators of domestic violence often use economic abuse as a means to control their partners. In order to escape an abusive relationship, victims need access to safe, affordable housing, childcare and transportation for themselves and their children. Many victims remain trapped because they either don’t have access to these necessities, or they don’t have enough financial security to maintain these cost of living expenses on their own. For those who are able to escape, the impact of economic abuse can be felt for years as they work to repair or establish credit, build assets and manage the costs of providing safety and security for themselves and their children.
The Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence was recently awarded a $54,500 grant from The Allstate Foundation’s Economics Against Abuse program. Kansas is one of ten state coalitions to receive this grant, which will be used to expand economic empowerment initiatives statewide. KCSDV and four of its member programs – StepStone in Wichita, SAFEHOME in Overland Park, El Centro, Inc. ¡Si Se Puede! in Kansas City, and SOS in Emporia – will be implementing these initiatives.
The Allstate grant provides funding in the areas of financial education, job readiness and training, and match savings programs or individual development accounts (IDA), with resources available in both Spanish and English. In Kansas, nearly 350 survivors will receive assistance through these programs. A survivor who participated in the financial literacy program in the past said that she now can “confront whatever is waiting for me outside this class.”
Since its inception, the Allstate Foundation’s Moving Ahead Grant programs have provided more than $15 million in programming and direct support for survivors through its alliance with the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) and its affiliated state coalitions. For more information about this Allstate initiative, visit
For more information about economic empowerment initiatives in Kansas, contact Melena Sparkman, KCSDV’s economic justice coordinator, at 785-232-9784 or
Kansas averages 22 adult homicides each year as a result of domestic violence. The Kansas Governor’s Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board reviews intimate partner homicide cases and makes recommendations to prevent future homicides and to determine if adequate resources and training are in place for those who respond to domestic violence crimes statewide. Read the recommendations from the Fatality Review Board’s 2010 Annual Report here:
KCSDV’s Executive Director, Joyce Grover, was recently appointed by then Governor Mark Parkinson to serve as a member of the Governor’s Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board. For more information about the Fatality Review Board, contact Joyce Grover at 785-232-9784 or
Joyce Grover
Friends of Yates Della Gill/Joyce H. Williams Center in Kansas City recently hosted an elegant 30th anniversary celebration for Ms. LaDora Lattimore, executive director/CEO. FOY board, staff, volunteers and many public officials and community allies came together to recognize Ms. Lattimore’s tireless dedication and 30 years of service to survivors in the Kansas City area. Among her many accomplishments, Ms. Lattimore developed the first and what remains today as the only domestic violence shelter program serving survivors in Wyandotte County.
KCSDV hosts more than 100 training events each year for advocates and allies, including social workers, health care and mental health professionals, attorneys, educators and more. Visit the KCSDV training calendar to find an event to suit your needs. Bookmark this link and check back often because new events are added throughout the year.
Host a workshop or community presentation.
Contact your local sexual or domestic violence advocacy program to learn how you can host a workshop for your organization or employees. See the list below for contact information.
Get involved.
To learn more about local events and volunteer opportunities, contact the sexual or domestic violence advocacy program near you. See the list below.