KCSDV Executive Director Joyce Grover Recognized for 35 Years of Service

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                 February 27, 2019

KCSDV’s Executive Director Joyce Grover Recognized for 35 Years of Service

Joyce Grover 35 Years of Service Award February 2019Joyce Grover 35 Years of Service Award February 2019_2TOPEKA, Kan. – The Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence (KCSDV)’s Executive Director Joyce Grover was recognized for 35 Years of Service this month.

“I am honored to be able to work for the safety and empowerment of survivors through all these years,” said Grover.

For information about KCSDV and KCSDV’s work, visit KCSDV’s website at http://kcsdv.org.




The Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence (KCSDV)’s mission is to prevent and eliminate sexual and domestic violence. Find more information on KCSDV’s website at http://kcsdv.org.

The 24-hour Kansas Crisis Hotline is 888-END-ABUSE (888-363-2287).


Last Updated on Apr 8, 2019