Sexual and Domestic Violence: A Workplace Response for HR Professionals

Topeka, KS, 7/22/2013 – Statewide advocacy group, KCSDV, will host a one-day seminar for business owners and human resources professionals on addressing sexual and domestic violence in the workplace, including: sexual and domestic violence and stalking in the workplace, recognizing signs of abuse in the workplace, incident management and response, workplace safety plans, and responding to Orders for Protection.

“With one out of every four women being victimized by a domestic partner, it’s easy to see how sexual and domestic violence affects all aspects of a victim’s life, including the workplace,” said Joyce Grover, KCSDV executive director. “We are excited to have nationally recognized experts from Forest Advisors here to discuss the very real policy challenges employers face when an employee is either being victimized or is perpetrating abuse.”

In one study, more than 75 percent of employed offenders used workplace resources at least once to express remorse or anger, check up on, pressure, or threaten their victims. In 2011, a woman was murdered in the workplace every 12 days. Employers are forced to address situations such as harassment, threatening phone calls, and absences due to injuries.

Brenda is a survivor who has worked with KCSDV. Her experience is an example of the critical role HR professionals can play in supporting survivors faced with these issues. “I had talked to a few people at work about a man who was leaving notes on my car and showing up at more and more places that I frequented,” Brenda said. “No one really knew how to help until a woman from our HR department asked if I was OK. When I told her about what was going on and how he was starting to threaten me, she was really supportive and continued to be incredibly helpful. I don’t know what I would have done without her help.”

Located at the Ramada Convention Center in downtown Topeka, 420 SE 6th Avenue, the seminar will take place on Wednesday, July 31, 2013, from 9a.m. to 5 p.m., and is sponsored by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas and SHRM Topeka Chapter #0428. The registration fee is $100 with a 10% discount available for SHRM and Kansas Chamber members. The training is approved for 6 HRCI recertification credit hours. Visit to register.

About the Trainers: John Savas is a Senior Vice President for Forest Advisors and has over 25 years of human resource experience. He has been instrumental in the development and implementation of numerous workplace violence prevention and intervention programs. He is a key player in helping companies address this issue and reduce potential employer liability. Pamela Paziotopoulos, Senior Vice President, has been working in the domestic violence field for 23 years. She has appeared on CNN, CNBC and the Oprah Winfrey Show, speaking out on the subject of domestic violence. She is the co-author for the ASIS Workplace Violence Guidelines, the ABA Workplace Violence book and the 2011 SHRM workplace violence standards.


Last Updated on Jan 21, 2019