Sexual Assault Kit Initiative

The Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI) recently announced findings and recommendations resulting from a five-year collaborative effort to identify, inventory, and test previously unsubmitted sexual assault kits in Kansas. The KBI announced the achievements of the Kansas Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) as well as launched a new statewide public awareness campaign to confront social biases related to sexual assault.

KCSDV has been a partner on SAKI, providing knowledge of victim services and response development for various aspects of the project. KCSDV also lead and hosted trainings on enhancing coordinated responses to sexual assault cases within a multidisciplinary team. 1,317 professionals were trained across the state.

This project was supported by Grant No. 2017-MU-AX-0006 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.


Last Updated on Dec 20, 2019